5 tourist recommendation places in Jogja

Natural attractions in Jogja certainly are very well known for their natural beauty that is still very well maintained. If you want to feel the sensation of vacation in cool places to make your mind fresh again, then visiting natural attractions in Jogja can be the right choice.

Jogja is one of the most popular tourist destinations, besides being a friendly community and cheap culinary, Jogja also has many interesting sides. Especially for natural tourism matters, here we provide 5 recommendations for natural attractions in Jogja that you must visit.

1. Nature Tourism Kalibiru, Kulonprogo

Recommended first tourist attractions in Jogja fall in a place that offers very spectacular natural scenery. You can see a green expanse of forest with a very beautiful mountain backdrop from a height. Kalibiru Nature Tourism is a tourist village located at the foot of Menoreh Hill, Kab. Kulonprogo. In addition to going up to the tree house to see the scenery, here are also some other fun rides that you can enjoy such as flying fox, trekking, and visiting the village to see the local culture that is very interesting.

2. Mangunan Fruit Garden

Natural attractions in Jogja that you must visit next are Mangunan Fruit Garden. This place is an agrotourism location in Jogja which has recently become a hit and bustling visit. Located in Kec. Dlingo Bantul Regency. From here you can enjoy the natural beauty of Bantul which is still very beautiful and green. You can also look at cattle farms, go around the garden and pick fruit, and hunt photos on the viewing tower that has been prepared by the manager. For facilitation business, this Mangunan Fruit Garden has been completed with homestays, swimming pools, meeting halls and a place to relax.

3. Peak of Kosakora

Another natural tourist spot in Jogja that suddenly becomes trending and many are discussed by the pedestrians, namely Puncak Kosakora which is located at the foot of Gunung Kidul. The peak of this cosmos is the top of the karst formed by the existence of exokarst activity centuries ago. The peak of Kosakora is becoming popular because of its stunning scenery. Lots of visitors who came because they were interested in seeing beautiful photos scattered on social media set on this place. Here you can enjoy the stunning views of the beautiful beaches on Gunung Kidul.

4. Pok Tunggal Beach

Natural attractions in Jogja, the next one is Pok Tunggal Beach. You cannot miss this beach if you are on vacation in Jogja. This beach has become popular because of its unique location which is located quite hidden between steep cliffs. Another uniqueness is the existence of duras tree which is the only vegetation in this coastal area. It is said that the name Pok Tunggal also comes from the name of the duras tree that is given by local residents.

5. Siung Beach

The last recommendation of natural attractions in Jogja is Siung Beach. If people usually go to the beach to relax, dive, or play sand, then it's another story with people who come to visit Siung Beach. This beach is a paradise for those who love extreme rock climbing. On this beach there are at least 250 climbing routes which are mostly challenging coral reefs to conquer.

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